Information for Women

Your Hormones and Migraines

For many years migraine researchers have known there is a hormone connection to migraines. Our research advanced that by identifying specific hormones role in the timing and intensity of migraine occurrences. 

We can safely say that most migraines occurring in women and girls are caused by how certain cells in the body react to hormone changes - you may be surprised to learn of the type of hormones that are involved in the migraine syndrome.

No matter where you are in life, early menses, regular monthly cycles, pre-menopause or menopause, and even if you have had a hysterectomy, your migraines are always controlled by the hormone production in the body. The good news is, we can help you - so you can have a migraine-free life, in spite of how your body is reacting to hormones.

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Why Don't All Women Get Migraines?

The reason some women get migraines (about 12% of the population) and others don't can be found in their DNA makeup. In other words, if you get migraines, you have inherited a gene that causes migraines (this is true for women and men). This gene is located within the very cells that receive specific messenger hormones - the ones that are capable of producing estrogen and progesterone. This is why migraines are often associated with fluctuations in the level of these hormones - but those are not the only hormones in play to cause a migraines.

If you know of a person in your family, i.e. grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, or even daughter, who also gets migraines, then you can be certain that you suffer from Genetic Migraine Syndrome (GMS). If you find that you have this background, you can rest assured that our product, Tuliv Migraine Defense, was developed to stop the occurrence of GMS and know that it is guaranteed to work for you, so you may want to consider ordering now.

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Body Chemistry - the Key to Migraines. 

Migraines occur during times when hormone levels fluctuate in the body. The times in life when this happens the most are during puberty, during the menstrual cycle and increasingly during the time of perimenopause (years leading up to menopause) when hormones readily fluctuate. During perimenopause many women also notice hormonal changes by experiencing such symptoms as hot flashes and night sweats. [If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we highly recommend you get relief with Tuliv Hormonal Peace.]

Which Hormones are Involved in Migraines?

When the word hormone is mentioned, most women think estrogen and progesterone. Although these are the major hormones, they are not exactly the hormones that cause the migraines to occur. The real villains that trigger the migraine headaches are what are referred to as  "messenger hormones." 

They are called messenger hormones because they deliver messages to cells with instructions to start or stop various functions of the body. For example, the hormones LH and FSH give the orders to start and stop a women's period and directs the time the ovulation. These hormones come from the pituitary gland which is located just under the front part of the brain directly behind the bridge of your nose. 

Since periods are regulated by these hormones, migraines happen around the high points of the menstrual cycle, i.e. just prior (a few days) to the start of the period, just as a period stops, and at ovulation.  Any woman who has had regular migraine headaches can generally chart their occurrences to correspond to these times of the month and knows that these days can produce among the worse of headaches - all caused by hormones. 

Even the start of perimenopause is regulated by the pituitary gland and generally begins sometime between the age of 35 - 45. During perimenopause, which can last for many years, most women experience an increased rate in the number of migraines each month as well as the intensity and duration may also increase. 

For more information, see Migraine Patterns.

Other Hormones Cause Migraines

While doing our endocrinology research on how migraine reacts to hormones, we discovered that there are several other types of hormones that can trigger migraines at various times of day, month and throughout the events of life. 

For example, the hormone cortisone, which is increased in the body during stress, can have have an after effect and cause a post-stress migraine. In addition, the hormone melatonin which starts to increase in the body around 4 PM and converts to other hormones around 4 AM, can have an effect on the migraine syndrome and cause those bad 4 AM migraines. 

Natural Cause - Natural Solution

By knowing how these effect the body, we created the formula for Migraine Defense to work to prevent the occurrence of migraines by correcting the problem at the source - to build a natural defense against migraines. We are happy to say, our research on the role of hormones in migraines provided the insight needed for the development of the first and only migraine solution that addresses the natural cause of migraines.

This is why Tuliv Migraine Defense is successful to stopping migraines from occurring, not by changing the levels of the hormones in the body, but by controlling the production of the chemicals that cause the migraines. For this reason, migraines caused by hormones, weather, stress, sleep and other triggers can be controlled by Tuliv Migraine Defense.

We Are Here TO Help You

If you have questions about why you get migraines, your migraine patterns, or other problems with hormones, why not give us a call and have someone visit with you.

We did the research on migraines and we are happy to listen to you and answer your questions. We are researchers and migraine experts and not high pressure sales people - you don't have to buy anything to visit with us.

Call 1-866-367-5953 to speak with a migraine expert or just ask us online

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Tuliv Ltd. Co. Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1466